Superintendent Parent Forum

2017-2018 School Year Information

Registration dates are August 9th from 7:00am -2:00pm and August 10th from 11:00am -6:00pm
A $20 Activity Fee is due at registration, please bring cash only -
Activity Fees will be used for student activities and field trips throughout the year.
Mandatory 6th Grade Academy for incoming 6th graders:
August 8 th, 9th and 10th from 8:30AM to 1:30PM. Lunch
will be provided; No transportation.
Mandatory 9th Grade Academy for incoming 9th graders:
Aug. 21st and 22nd from 7:45am to 3:15pm
First day of School for 6th-9th grade is Aug. 21st.
First day of School for 10th-12th grade is Aug 22nd.
DCISM uniform information:
Every MS and HS student has to wear a
DCISM logo shirt, NO exceptions to the policy
The pricing is:
$8-men’s tee, $9-women’s tee,
$20- pullover hoodie,
$23 Zip up hoodie
The items above can be purchased during registration with cash, or online at
Pants have to be black, blue or khaki, jeans or other material No holes. NO exception on color.
Las fechas de inscripción son Agosto 9
de 7:00am a 2: 00pm Y Agosto 10 de 11:00am a 6:00pm
Academia Obligatoria para el 6° Grado:
Agosto 8, 9 y 10 de 8:30am a 1:30pm. Se proveerá almuerzo; No habrá transportación
Academia Obligatoria para grado 9 es Agosto 21 y 22 7:45am-3:15pm
Primer día de clases para grados 6-9 será Agosto 21
Primer día de clases para grados 10-12 será Agosto 22
Información de uniforme de DCISM:
Cada estudiante de Secundaria y Preparatoria tiene que llevar una camisa con el logo tipo de la escuela DCISM,
No hay excepciones a la política/norma.
El precio es:
$8- Camisa de hombres, $9- Camisa de mujeres
$ 20-Sudadera con capucha
$ 23- Sudadera con cremallera (cierre) y con capucha
Los artículos anteriores se pueden comprar durante la Inscripción con dinero en
efectivo, o en línea en
Los pantalones tienen que ser negros, azules o caqui, mezclilla u otro material
Sin agujeros o hoyos NO hay excepción en el color.
Please click the following links to view School Supply Lists and School Year Calendars for the 2017-2018 School Year:
DCISM School Calendar 2017-2018 (English)
DCISM Calendario de Escuela 2017-2018 (Spanish)
Middle School Supply List (English/Spanish)
High School Supply List (English/Spanish) |
Especially Me 2017

19th Annual High School Conference
An Inspiring, Important and Fun Conference Stressing Issues of Dignity, Excellence, Respect and Self-Value
Focusing on African American High School Girls
Saturday - April 29, 2017
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
(sign in begins at 8:00 am)
Gateway High School
1300 South Sable Blvd Aurora, CO 80012
Registration deadline April 14, 2017
(No onsite registration)
High School Students $15
Adults $25
Visit for registration & award nomination
For Additional Information: [email protected] |
Know Your Rights Training Tuesday 3/20

Do you know what to do if ICE comes to your door?
Come to our "Know Your Rights" training to learn!
March 21, 2017
The Montbello Campus Auditorium
5000 Crown Blvd. Denver, CO 80239
Objectives of the Training:
• Give you basic knowledge about our rights
• Give you knowledge of how to practice our rights and defend our community
• Emergency preparedness
• Organize the community on how to resist and build power
Our Mission
The Colorado People’s Alliance (COPA) is a multi-racial organization, directed by its dedicated members to promote and win the progressive social change at the local, state and national level. COPA builds power to improve the lives of all the residents of Colorado through leadership development, organizing and alliance-building.
¿Sabes qué hacer si te para la policía y te pide identificación y no tienes ID o Licencia?
¿Sabes qué hacer si aparece ICE en tu casa?
¡Ven a nuestra capacitación de “Conoce tus Derechos” para aprender!
El 21 de marzo, 2017
El Auditorio del Campus de Montbello
5000 Crown Blvd. Denver, CO 80239
Objetivos del Entrenamiento
• Dar conocimientos básicos sobre nuestros derechos
• Dar conocimiento de cómo practicar nuestros derechos y defender a nuestra comunidad
• Preparación en caso de emergencia
• Organizar la comunidad para resistir y construir poder
La Alianza del Pueblo de Colorado (COPA) es una organización multi-racial, dirigida por sus miembros dedicada a promover y ganar el cambio social progresista a nivel local, estatal y nacional. COPA construye poder para mejorar la vida de todos los residentes de Colorado a través del desarrollo de liderazgo, organizando y construcción de alianzas. | Read More...
Parent Technology Survey

Please click the link below to take the Parent Survey for the MyTech 1:1 Grant. The MyTech grant (if received) would allow DCISM to provide a laptop for every student at the school! The survey will only take a few minutes.
Estimadas Familias de DCISM,
Por favor, haga clic en el enlace de abajo para tomar la Encuesta de Padres para la beca MyTech 1:1. ¡La beca MyTech (si la recibimos) le permitiría a DCISM proveer una computadora portátil para cada estudiante en la escuela! La encuesta sólo tomará unos minutos.
Inauguration Letter to Families

Friday, January 20 is Inauguration Day. This is a regular school day and we will have our focus on
instruction as always. At our school, we have been completing activities throughout the week to
recognize the inauguration as well as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day. Tomorrow, students and
teachers will have the opportunity to write their state representative to discuss our goals in education
over the next four years.
We understand that some students may wish to participate in activities related to the Inauguration
Day outside of school. If you choose to support this, please make sure that your student is excused
from class. Any student who is absent without an excuse will be considered unexcused. We believe
the best place for our students is in school, where they can maintain their focus on academic
DCISM Administration
Dr. Julie Murgel
Dr. Angelina Walker
Mr. Jason Ortiz
Mrs. Neisa Lynch
Mrs. Natalie Fickes
Estimados Padres de Familia:
El viernes, el 20 de enero, es el Día de la Inauguración Presidencial. Este será un día normal de
clases y, como siempre, nos centraremos en la enseñanza. En nuestra escuela, hemos estado
participando en actividades durante la semana para reconocer la inauguración, como también
honrando al Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mañana, alumnos/as y maestros/as tendrán la oportunidad
para escribir a su representante estatal para hablar acerca de nuestras metas educativas sobre los
próximos 4 años.
Entendemos que ciertos estudiantes deseen participar en actividades relacionadas con el Día de la
Inauguración fuera de la escuela. Si usted desea apoyarlos, asegúrense de avisarnos para que la
falta sea excusada. Los estudiantes ausenten de clases sin que lo padres lo comuniquen a la
escuela tendrán una ausencia injustificada. Creemos que lo mejor para los estudiantes es
permanecer en la escuela, donde pueden mantenerse centrados en el progreso académico.
La Administración de DCISM
Dr. Julie Murgel
Dr. Angelina Walker
Mr. Jason Ortiz
Mrs. Neisa Lynch
Mrs. Natalie Fickes
DCISM Expectations and Refocus

DCISM staff believe that all students can maintain 5 basic EXPECTATIONS:
· Be in uniform
· Be on time to school and class
· Be in class learning; appropriate use of hall pass
· Be respectful
· Use appropriate language
Students who fail to meet these 5 basic EXPECTATIONS are assigned REFOCUS.
Follow link for more information |
Letter to DCISM Families

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Elysia Belser, one of our 12th grade students who was our student-body president and soon-to-be 2017 valedictorian. Elysia lost her valiant fight early Saturday morning from a medical condition. Elysia was extraordinarily brilliant and compassionate, and one of the most determined students. Her amazing heart and courage touched many of our students and staff throughout the six years she has been at DCISM.
We have met with our faculty and staff and students who were closest to Elysia and her family. We will have school supports for those who need it. Continued support will be available for students and staff.
Your student may have questions or be upset, and you may wish to discuss further with your son or daughter about death and grief. The following signs may indicate that your son or daughter is having difficulty, but with time they should decrease. Signs of stress:
Most importantly, marked changes in usual ways of behaving, including decline in school productivity or mood changes
Changes in sleeping or eating problems
Withdrawing behaviors
Easily distracted
Physical symptoms
Acting out behavior, including aggression
Passivity or listlessness
Our assistant principals, school social workers, school counselors, school psychologist, school deans, nurse and myself are all available for support and may be contacted at 720-423-5900. Please do not hesitate to contact us if needed.
Out of privacy and respect for the family, we will not be giving out personal information. For those community members who know the family, we suggest you watch for funeral arrangements and announcements in the newspaper.
Our thoughts are with the family at this time.
Dr. Julie Murgel
Principal |
Welcome Back from Winter Break!

If you would like further information about the 2016-2017 School Year check out the Parent Page.
Don't forget to 'Like' us on Facebook (DCIS at Montbello) and Follow us on Twitter @DCIS_M for current events and information throughout the year.
DCISM Finals Schedule